Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) has significant repercussions for one health and the global livestock industry. Understanding its global seroprevalence is crucial for informed decision-making and management strategies. The systematic review aims to determine the overall seroprevalence of BLV in cattle.
A literature search was conducted across various databases, including PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Embase, up to January 03, 2024. Studies that tested cattle samples for BLV were included if they reported the total number of tested samples and the number of positive samples. A meta-analysis was performed using a random-effects model. Subgroup analysis was conducted based on the type of testing method and type of cattle. R version 4.3 was utilized for statistical analysis.
From the 48 studies included, 101,120 samples were tested, revealing a pooled prevalence of 26.8% (95% CI: 20.0% – 33.0%) for BLV in cattle with an I2=100%. Subgroup analysis based on the type of testing or country did not show any difference in prevalence. Of the studies, thirty focused on dairy cattle samples. A meta-analysis of these samples, drawn from a total of 75,769 dairy cattle, revealed a prevalence of 28% (95% CI: 19% – 39%) with an I² of 100%.
A significant prevalence of BLV in cattle was detected, emphasizing the need for comprehensive management strategies. Future research should thoroughly explore BLV infections, considering its effects on livestock and human health.
one health , seroprevalence, systematic review, global health, bovine leukemia virusReferences
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2023 Ganesh Bushi, Sai Mahesh Vajjala, Furqan B. Irfan, Dipanshu Aggarwal, Safayet Jamil, Drishti Sagar, Alwin Kurian Raju, Mithun Mohan George, Aditi Pal, Preetha S, Ali A. Rabaan, Muhammed Shabil

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