Background: Crop residue burning (CRB) is a significant contributor to air pollution in many regions worldwide, particularly in India, where it exacerbates an already severe environmental crisis. While the health effects of primary air pollutants are well-documented, detailed investigations focusing on the health implications of CRB remain limited. This review seeks to address this gap by synthesizing existing data to elucidate the specific health impacts of CRB within the Indian context.
Methods: A narrative review was conducted using data from national and international publications. Keywords such as "crop residue burning," "health effects," "air pollution," and "India" were searched on Google Scholar and PubMed. Relevant information from reputable international organizations was also incorporated to complement the analysis.
Results: CRB exposure is associated with diverse health effects across multiple domains, including cardiopulmonary diseases, autoimmune disorders, neurological impairments, and microbiological risks. These effects are intricately linked to broader air pollution dynamics, highlighting the pervasive threat posed by CRB. Addressing this issue requires collaborative action among government agencies, medical professionals, and environmental advocates.
Conclusions: The study underscores the urgent need for a coordinated approach to mitigate CRB's adverse effects on public health and the environment. The proposed CROP (Conversion, Regulation, Optimization, and Prevention) initiative advocates for: Conversion of crop residues into renewable energy; Implementation of a robust regulatory framework.; Optimization of residue management through technologies like the Happy Seeder & Emphasis on prevention strategies. Although challenging, the successful implementation of this initiative offers a cost-effective and sustainable solution tailored to the Indian subcontinent. Legislative measures, medical expertise, and environmental advocacy must converge to tackle this pressing issue and safeguard public health.
Air pollution, crop residue burning, health effects, particulate matter, IndiaReferences
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Copyright (c) 2025 Sameer Mehta, David Zerpa, Diego Neira, Maria Nadales, Bianca Castro, Aline Quintana, Nataly Rendon, Lyana Corvea, Diego Padilla , Gabriel Pena, Yashendra Sethi

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