Thrombophlebitis is recognized as a potential complication of intravenous therapy. Treatment typically involves discontinuing the infusion line. Initially, a cold compress is applied to reduce blood flow and promote platelet aggregation. Subsequently, a warm compress is used. Elevating the affected extremity and relocating the intravenous line to the opposite extremity are also recommended. The present study analysed the efficacy of warm compression in patients with thrombophlebitis.
Present study was conducted among 50 thrombophlebitis patients at MCH-SKIMS, Bemina Srinagar. The sample for the present study were selected by non-probability convenience sampling technique. We utilized a standardized Visual Infusion Phlebitis scale for data collection. Subsequently, the collected data was analysed using paired-sample t-test to compare pre- and post-intervention scores using SPSS version 20.
The study revealed that participants were predominantly aged 31-50 years (74%), with males comprising 56% and females 44%. Habits included 30% smokers, no alcohol consumers, 28% tobacco users, and 42% without harmful habits. Cannula duration varied: <2 days (18%), 2-3 days (36%), 3-5 days (30%), and 5 days (16%). Medication frequency was once daily (10%), twice daily (52%), thrice daily (32%), and every four hours (6%). Cannula sizes were 18 G (40%), 20 G (54%), and 22 G (6%). Pre-intervention thrombophlebitis mean score was 2.74 ± 1.337, reducing significantly post-intervention to 1.1 ± 1.055 (p < 0.0001), affirming the efficacy of warm compression in reducing thrombophlebitis severity.
In conclusion, nurses are pivotal in promoting patient health, especially in managing complications like thrombophlebitis during intravenous therapy. This study confirms that warm compression effectively reduces thrombophlebitis severity in patients. Significant differences in thrombophlebitis scores before and after warm compression demonstrate its clinical effectiveness.
Intravenous therapy, thrombophlebitis, warm compression, infusion therapy, nursing interventions, clinical effectivenessReferences
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