COVID-19 has been a major challenge for the healthcare sector, but also an opportunity for innovation and learning. The training and education of healthcare professionals during viral epidemics are crucial to ensure their safety, competence, and confidence. These innovations have the potential to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare delivery, not only during the pandemic but also beyond. Published data on the training of healthcare professionals were obtained and reviewed to produce this article. The review analyses the various innovation that was adopted in the training of healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has globally amplified the utilization of information technology in education. The limited physical access to classrooms and healthcare facilities triggered an immediate surge in the adoption of digital platforms to cater to the educational requirements of students across all healthcare disciplines. During the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare professionals witnessed several significant changes in their training. In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic has acted as a powerful catalyst for innovation in the training of healthcare professionals. Here are the key takeaways: adaptive solutions, remote monitoring, embracing innovation, collaboration and research and resilience and adaptability. As we move forward, these innovations will continue to shape healthcare education, ensuring that professionals are well-prepared to face future challenges.
covid-19, innovation, healthcare professional, pandemic, educationReferences
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